08/16/13 01:53 AM Filed in:
Video Vixens
I am always impressed with women who manage to
utilize their sexiness in a subtle way, while
primarily coming into notoriety for their smarts.
Erin Burnett,
Aubrey Plaza,
Olivia Munn, and most
recently Ana Kasparian (Cancers, all of them, by
the way) all stand out in this regard.
Ana Kasparian is charismatic,
articulate, and intelligent but there is
undeniably a sexual appeal going on with her.
Host of
Young Turks and
The Point, she uses this to
her benefit, but never allows it to eclipse her
smarts, which is a serious tightrope act to walk
in the sexually repressed and hypocritical US.
Specifically, Ana never takes herself or the
idea that men may like her primarily for her
looks too seriously and even pokes fun at it.
See this clip where she admits
she may make viewers “fap”)
In the end, Ana will have the last laugh. A lot of
aspiring actresses could learn from her formula.
Tags: Ana Kasparian
08/11/13 02:29 PM Filed in:
Video Vixens
A good friend of mine wrote this graphic novel
about a vigilante super hero in the inner city over
15 years ago when he was in college. Much to our
surprise, the story is still just as relevant today
(maybe even more so) as it was when he wrote. So he
decided to commission new artists and revamp the
story some and now
he’s launched a Kickstarter
campaign to finish the books and get them
Check it and support if you can (you can pledge as
little as a $1).
Tags: The Hood, Kickstarter