Indochine's Top Shelf

Bria Myles

The Fantastic Four - The Indosplace Edition


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Bria Myles in new Tyler the Creator Video / REEG Art

It’s been a good week for Indosplace mainstay Bria Myles. Not only is she featured in Tyler the Creator’s new video, Tamale, but she has had an exclusive art piece done by REEG.

INDOS-BRIA-REEGGoogle ChromeScreenSnapz039

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Indosplace Flashback - Bria Myles

This one stands out as one of our better efforts… (damn you Google trends!)

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New Bria Myles from SHOW


And video (it’s hot)!

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Smooth Girl Top 100 - The Entire List

I admire Smooth Magazine for its staying power. It’s one of the last vestiges of urban modeling, in any official sense at least (along with SHOW and KING magazines). Making a top 10 list in today’s unorganized, crippled market is no easy task, let alone a top 100 list. But unfortunately I cannot recommend this one. While it got a number things right (Yoncee and Maliah are at the top of the game), it got a lot more wrong. As just a few examples:

Vida Guerra at #18 - No one is checking for Vida anymore in urban modeling (bodybuilding maybe)
Nikki B at # 8 - Someone was just asking the other day what ever happened to her. Googling her name revealed that she has all but disappeared
Lola Monroe aka Angle # 27 - After a failed rap career, this girl has vanished from the urban modeling landscape

I could go on and on. The problem is that there aren’t enough people doing anything to speak of in this industry to even create a top 100 list! Also, Smooth only lists models who have worked with their magazine - that means people like Khrysti Hill (still generates lot of buzz on the net) get left out completely.

Anyway, here it is. Anyone who really knows this industry will see the problems with it immediately. Some of these models haven’t published anything new in years.

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The Power of Bria Myles


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Bria Myles in SHOW Magazine #23

Check out Bria Myles in the new issue of SHOW magazine.




See the rest here…


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Bria Myles - Braids

Over the years, braids have come and gone. Who can forget Bo Derek in “10”? Now Solange Knowles and several other high profile types are rocking braids again. One things for sure: curves never go out of style. Winking Check out Bria Myles on Twitter. (This was our first shoot together in a while - lotta fun.) * The initial pic is now here.


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A Few Thoughts on The Problem Facing Aspiring Models and Being Posted on Adult Websites

Since Tumblr, Wordpress, and similar sites became popular, one problem models repeatedly encounter is having their photos posted on raunchy blogs, side by side with pornographic material. Both Olivia and Sobella were disturbed to find their images - and worse yet their names - associated with Tumblr pages with extremely graphic, sexual material. The first reaction for the model is that they want their images down, immediately. Fortunately, there is a solution there, but it's not fast and it's not permanent.

I've worked with a content removal company called Pitbull Piracy and achieved good results at having images taken down from undesirable websites (for a fee). The problem is that these images tend to pop up again. Pitbull is prepared for that and will send takedown notices on an ongoing basis if necessary. (Disclaimer: I have no ownership or pecuniary interest in Pitbull Piracy.)

But the real issue is, how does a model dip her toe into urban modeling in a tasteful way, when every sexy photo she puts out will likely land on pornography blogs? Rule number one: don't use your real name when you enter this market. It may seem like a small thing, but chances are good that unless your friends are just as pervy as the websites you don't want to be affiliated with, they will not just happen upon your image, barring it being linked to your real name. The odds of this are even slimmer if you use a "stage name" to mislead nosey co-workers or friends. (Olivia and I recently learned this lesson the hard way.)

Rule number two: don't take any photos you can't defend. Everyone realizes that in the Google age, you can't make a move without the risk of it going public to the world. In other words, most of your friends will believe you if you say you had nothing to do with your summer vacation photos winding up on the "Thighsmantrophy" Tumblr blog. But if you're oiled down in a thong in a provocative pose, they might think you actually submitted the photo to Thighsmantrophy yourself. Guilty is as guilty does.

Rule number three: be realistic and toughen up. You know you're not a porn star and your friends, relatives, and co-workers should know it as well. You may have to give a verbal smackdown to a few people who want to make something out of nothing because your photos ended up on the "Czar for Curves." However, if you want to give urban modeling a try, you have to be prepared for the fact that, no matter how cautious you are, someone may confront you about a situation like this. Beyonce, Juliana Hough and every other mega star is on these porn websites too, but you don't see it preventing them from making music videos or shooting steamy love scenes. It is what it is. As long as you can stand by what you've done as a product, hold your head high and march on.

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Bria Myles - Hips on Deck Magazine

Look for Bria in the next issue of Hips on Deck coming up. Here's a little preview shot. Also check for Bria in the Memorial Day issue of SHOW Magazine coming soon...
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Happy 2012 - One Mo Bria Myles

Add'l pic added 1/8/12...

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Bria Myles is Thick Again

Looks like the venerable top vixen Bria Myles has returned to form and gotten a little curvier for the winter. These are very recent photos by Jankula Images and retouched by Indosplace (minimally, trust). Hair is by Joshjarie. Large versions: Bria Front Shot - Bria Back Shot.


A couple add'l shots... Happy

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Bria Myles - KING Magazine Winter 2011

Two words: "surprisingly good." That's how I would describe this most recent pictorial of Bria Myles in KING Magazine. These images reminded me of urban modeling circa 2005, when things were still on the upswing in the business. I predict these photos will become quite popular, floating around the net for some time to come and popping up on party fliers and the like. As final note, it's important to remember, as RG observed, that Bria has appeared on the cover of KING twice now. The first time was in early 2007 when we first started working together. I'm glad I got a chance to work with one of the best who ever did it... (All of these images are on the server in larger format @ www.indosplace/assets/... (name of file but add "lg" instead of "sm" to the very end))

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Bria Myles - Lockers

Bria Myles and I have gotten some good shots. When I first started this blog, it might has well have been called the Bria Myles/Koi blog, because that's all I really had to post. Unfortunately, a lot of those earlier posts didn't get their just dues, so I'm reposted these because I'm sure many never saw them.

Bria Myles Lockers

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Bria Myles New KING Magazine Cover - 2011

A well deserved tribute to one of the greats, Bria Myles, by one of the greats, KING Magazine... Kudos to editor Sean Malcolm for remembering the models that helped define the genre in his cover choices. Hit Bria up on Twitter here. (This post will be updated with further pics once I get around to scanning)


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Is The Internet Really Forever? The Lifespan of a Digital Image

You hear this a lot, that once a woman’s photos are published online, they will be there forever. Nothing ever disappears from cyberspace, so the thinking goes. It sounds good and seems true, but I’m not sure it really is. Ever tried looking for photos of a model who appeared on the net 5-10 years ago? Unless they’ve experienced a sudden resurgence in popularity, you are unlikely to find anything. That's because while an image may have the potential to be around for years on the net, that rarely winds up being the case. Call it digital attrition, but somehow these photos seem to just disappear. Take the case of Canadian fitness model Jamie Keoppe. At one time, message boards were flooded with photos of
Jaime Koeppe
Jamie. (Anyone who knows this model can attest to this fact. ) Now, her image results on Google are meager at best. The same can be said of Miss Cheeky, whose ECM galleries used to be a regular staple on message boards. But when I recently posted her, I could scarcely gather up a dozen photos.

Mind you, a lot has changed in five years, most of it in favor of the infinite preservation of digital images in cyberspace. Just five years ago, Facebook was in its infancy, as was Youtube. There was no Tumblr, Twitter or Blogger. All of these tools aid in pictures lingering around the net longer. But I still have a difficult time finding images of models who were hot just a year ago.

The internet is a very transient medium. Message boards and blogs disappear all the time, and the photos indexed on those sites with them. Photobucket accounts are suspended or abandoned. Tinypics get deleted, Facebook accounts terminated. Eventually, if the factors line up, all of the breadcrumbs leading to a model can vanish. It’s not as unusual as you might think. Try finding the below image of Bria Myles online. It was posted about 2 years ago on her website as a “Bonus Shot” for several weeks. During that time, it circulated message boards heavily, but now, “poof”, it’s gone.


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Bria Myles: Good Things on the Horizon

Bria is slated to be on the cover (solo) of a pretty big magazine coming up soon... Here are two BTS shots.


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Jankula Images: Bria Myles

One of the first and only new images to be seen from this industry favorite for quite awhile. Visit Bria on Twitter here and see this image on Jankula Images here.


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Top Picks

You can click on the image to enlarge it. The two main qualifications to be on this list: 1) I have to shoot with the model, and 2) they had to be in my top traffic searches (e.g., people are still looking for them on my blog). There are couple newcomers on the list, like Carol, and a couple that got bumped. Sad They are listing in alphebetical order.


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Howard Huang's "Urban Girls"

Tonight I picked up Taschen Book's "Urban Girls," which is a hard bound "art book" collection of the photography of Howard Huang. Huang specializes in urban model photography for magazines like BlackMen. I'll just say this right off the top: I like Huang's work. I like his use of color and his lighting. While there is much about Huang's photography that, on the surface, looks like SHOW magazine's stuff, it's more intricate and better thought out in my opinion.

Bria Myles is on the cover of this book, which is also sold in stores like Barnes & Noble. The paper stock is quite heavy and the printing is top notch. It really is a beautiful tome which is as pleasing to the touch as the eyes. You'll also find high quality reproductions and outtakes from shoots with some of your favorite models, like the ones featured below of Maliah and Jessikah. Overall, I'd give this book a high recommend. It's a good look for urban modeling. (Click photos to enlarge)


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New Bria Myles

A new test shot I took with Bria today. Hit her up on Twitter if you like.


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Bria Myles Hosting Bikini Swim 9/4

A shot of Bria Myles hosting Bikini Swim here in Los Angeles on September 4, 2010.


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Bria Myles Artwork - Bryan D. Davis

Along the way to Bria's rise to notoriety, there have been several talented people who have helped put her in the spotlight. One such person is artist Bryan D. Davis, who not only did the wonderful caricature of Bria in the "Bio" section of her website, but also this great drawing based on her Obama promotion photo. Check him out models. He could help you too. (Click to enlarge)


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FB Legacy / Hip-Hop Weekly Calendar

This is half of the FB Legacy (Fubu's Relaunch Brand) and Hip-Hop Weekly "Flawless Beauties" calendar. Bria Myles and Tahiry are in it, as well as Sophia Marie and a few others, including Chanice, who hasn't done anything in a while, and Tammy Torres. (Click to enlarge bottom photo)


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Bria Myles in "The Big Butt Book"

The Big Butt Book ($59.99, Taschen Books) is the fourth in a series of "art books" from Taschen celebrating the human form in all its glory, profiling some of the highest-profile examples and overloading on archival images from throughout the history of erotic art and nudie mags. Here, Taschen's Sexy Books Editor Dian Hanson follows up on The Big Book of Breasts and The Big Book of Legs. **Bria Myles makes an appearance in the book.**

This is actually a good look because this book will be around forever in stores and even some libraries, while the magazines Bria has done will have long faded out. This series of art books by Taschen is very well respected.

As Bria's lawyer, my only question is: can you sell an art book like this using other people's photos without their permission? (Rhetorical question, lol)



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Bria Myles - Cooking With Gas

Actually that's a cheap electric stove. Mine unfortunately, lol.
Credits: Photography - | Make-Up: Tai Young | Model: Bria Myles


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Has The Digital Era Diminished The Power of Booty?

Question Posed: Has the deluge of big butts coming our way via Model Mayhem, Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc. desensitized us to the women sporting them and lowered their desirability?

Short Answer
: (Emphatic) No!

Discussion: When I was coming up, there was no J Lo or Melyssa Ford or Smooth Magazine. The best we had was The Fly Girls on "In Living Color" and Wrex-n-Effect's "Rumpshaker." This doesn't mean women with phat backsides were any less popular back then than they are today, it's just that they were an undercover pleasure. There was no such thing as butt cleavage in low jeans. Because big booties were kind of black market through much of the 80s and 90s, you had to go through a lot to get one. Of course athletes and entertainers had VIP passes, just as they do today. But for your average guy, getting a girl with a pretty face and big butt was hella difficult.

Cut to present day. Everywhere you look there's a pretty woman with a big booty - magazines, the interweb, television, name it. But the question is, have all the derrières we've been bombarded with somehow lowered the value of this one-time rare and secret pleasure? In my personal experience, not one bit. Big booty hotties are just as difficult to snare today as they were 15 years ago. The only difference is that there's a lot more counterfeits out there than there once were. Hyrdrogel injections, butt pads, Photoshop - all created with the goal of exaggerating a woman's posterior. But the genuine articles still know who they are, and they're still ultra challenging to snag.

Interested to hear other's thoughts on this one.

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Candid Fitting Pics: Alysha and Bria

On the better photo shoots, before you actually hit the location, the stylist will hold a fitting just to be sure the swimsuits look just right. These are candid photos of Bria Myles and Alysha Young from such a fitting with M&A Style.


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Bria Myles - Atlanta Dymes - 3d Set

Nuff said.


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Indos Top Choice

Just six models I've photographed and featured on this blog that I think have brought something unique to the game. (Click to enlarge)


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Bria Myles - Atlanta Dymes BTS and Photos


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Bria Myles - On The Fence

Part II to this shoot for J'Adore Magazine is scheduled to take place next month. I'll keep the models involved a secret for now, but they are very hot and have been posted on this blog before.
Make-up: Tai Young-Jackson
Hair: JoshJarie Gibbs
Styling: M&A Style
Photography: Indochine (that's me y'all, lol)

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Bria Shot With Atlanta Dymes Today

Atlanta Dymes have been around for a while. They actually shot Tomika Skanes. Bria Myles is looking good as usual. Reach her on Twitter here. (Click to enlarge)


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A Few Bria Myles Konsole Kingz Shots

I'm only posting a few (there are about 15) because it's not my intention to dilute sales of this app (Konsole Kingz are good guys), but if you're a Bria fan, I would strongly suggest getting it. There will be more pics to come and video and also you can view these in much larger size.

Reach Bria on Twitter here.


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Bria Myles - Konsole Kingz iPhone App Commercial


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Bria in Blue

One of my favorite Bria shots from the website. You can reach Bria on Twitter here.


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Bria Myles - Black Lingerie #9 Outtakes

Here are a few of Bria Myles outtakes from SHOW's Black Lingerie #9. Visit their website to see the rest.

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BlackJackSkanz Top Vixen Results

This is the result of over 9,000 votes on BlackJackSkanz - one of the best known websites for urban models out there.

A couple interesting notes: 1) Seems like Suelyn should be higher - she had a great '09, 2) Seems like Cubana and Vanessa should be lower; a testament to the power of a large Twitter following, and 3) Suleika's position seems well deserved.

Bria finished Second Place in Cutie Central's Top Vixen Poll for '09 (number one for Model in Highest Demand) so it looks like she is quite possibly the number one urban model right now. biggrin

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Bronze Beauty - Bria Myles

Squinty goodness from Ms. Myles. Reach out to her on Twitter here (it's one of the few places you can be sure you're not dealing with an impostor - she's got quite a few of them out there).


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Vote Bria Myles at

Just a little reminder to cast a vote for Bria at BlackJackSkanz's Top Vixen of 2009 Poll. Click the pics to enlarge. (Attribution: J'Adore Magazine)


DSC_0056 - bria

DSC_0079 - bria

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Bria Myles - KING Relaunch

These pics of Bria Myles appear in the relaunch issue of KING.

While certainly not bad, based on the video I saw I thought these pics might be a little better. There is one pic that I just don't like that I didn't bother to scan and another of just Bria walking away that was published by Harris to promote this issue - no point scanning that.

This was a tough bunch of pics to scan and I look forward to seeing the maestro's version, BlackJackSkanz. If I'm up to it, tomorrow I post Briana Lloyd's pics from this issue. (Click to enlarge)

BriaD1-KING copy
BriaE1-KING copy
BriaC1-KING copyBriaF1 copyBria2a-KING copy

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KING's Comeback Issue

Looks like Rosa Acosta took the cover. No surprise there - no one can deny that girl's hustle. Looking forward to seeing more. Props to Dynasty Series for this.

Question: why is KING's website not updated? Why don't any newsstands here in Los Angeles know about this? Not the greatest publicity campaign.


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The Complete J'Adore Shoot

This whole shoot is posted at, but it seemed like a good idea to have it here as well, since I took these shots. Winking Props to J'Adore magazine and Editor-In-Chief Taneish Leslie. Models: Bria Myles, Alysha Young, and Suelyn Medeiros.

A part two to this shoot is under consideration for the March 2010 issue of J'Adore. What three models do you think would make good candidates for that shoot? (Click to enlarge)


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Bria Myles - Malibooty

It's amazing how little retouching you have to do to a photo of Bria for it to look good. This is from the J'Adore mag shoot I did a couple months ago.


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Cool Summer: Bria & Alysha

Love these pics... (Click to enlarge)

Shout out Alysha on Facebook here. You can reach Bria on Twitter here.


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Three Amigos

And one bonus Suelyn pic Winking (The top pic enlarges)


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Bria Outtake J'Adore Shoot

Posted for the sole reason of giving y’all a peek at what the other side of that white swimsuit looked like. woohoo

Bria JAdore Outtake

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Custom J'Adore Booklet For Crew

I had these custom 6” x 8” booklets made for the crew and models on the J’Adore shoot. I went through Apple’s iPhoto printing services. Very nice... If you’re interested in one, PM me. But they aren’t cheap. sad (Click to enlarge)


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Bria Myles - Between Takes

This is a photo of Bria Myles I took between poses at the J'Adore Magazine shoot.


Creative Commons License
_mg_9687-bria-med by Indochine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

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Bria Myles @ BlackJackSkanz

Check out Bria Myles new SHOW pics at BlackJackSkanz website. Nobody does quality scans like BlackJack, and these are no exception. Great work as always.

You can follow Bria Myles on her Twitter or visit

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Bria Myles Outtake

This photo is an outtake of a shoot I did with Bria Myles where we were copying an idea that Herb Ritts had done with Claudia Schiffer many years ago (see below). The idea is to have the sun shining through a diaphanous sheet with an attractive pattern and put the model in front of it. I was really tempted to use that gold reflector to bounce light onto Bria, but my assistant hates the gold reflector, so we went with white.

What we wound up with wasn’t really that close to the Schiffer photo after all - it kinda became its own concept (or at least that’s how it seems to me). You can see one of the fully edited images here. I actually think the outtake looks better than the final, lol. Also, notice how much retouching had to be done to fill in that fabric above Bria’s head and below her waist. Laugh

Creative Commons License
Bria Outtake Yellow by Indochine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Photo imitated (love this picture):

Schiffer 2

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Litte Wallpaper Compliments of Keynote Pro

One of the better programs for the Mac is their Powerpoint substitute, Keynote. Keynote Pro is a company that designs templates for this application, and they’re all pretty nice. A lot better than most of the stuff that comes with the app or Powerpoint. You can download the high res (1680 x 1050) of this image here.


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Bria Art on Exhibit - Zach Osif

Recent Maryland Institute College of Art graduate Zach Osif asked if he could paint Bria for one the works at his first major exhibit. He just sent me an email tonight with the final. I think it looks fantastic.

Who knows, this may be worth something some day....


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Bria - Bump on a Log



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Bria The Beachcomer - Outtake

This is a shot of Bria that didn't make it into J'Adore Magazine. There are dozens of pics that could have made the cut, but didn't because there just wasn't space and the goal of this was to show off swimsuits, not models. So you guys will be the beneficiaries of this glut in coming weeks, lol.
You can reach Bria on Twitter here.


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Another J'Adore Exclusive

This is one of my favorite shots from the shoot. I love the colors and styling thanks to M&A Style. So rarely do we see urban models just laughing and having a good time like the women in a J. Crew catalog. Again, thanks to Taneish Leslie and J’Adore Magazine for believing in this idea. (Click to enlarge - this one you gotta see big to appreciate)


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Tear Sheet in New Issue of J'Adore

I was fortunate enough to shoot a swimsuit layout in the latest issue of J'Adore magazine - the Sports Issue, which will be on newsstands in the next week or so. I have to give a big shout out to the editor Taneish Leslie for giving me this opportunity.

The idea behind this editorial was to bring that clean, natural aesthetic you see so often in Sport's Illustrated to a layout of video vixens. No baby oil, no thongs, no artificial lighting. Just beauty and sunlight. (I never felt the urban magazines had really done justice to the traditional beach shoot (see, KING’s botched Dollicia cover).)

In the coming days I’ll be posting high res photos from this shoot, including outtakes that didn’t make it into the mag. Thanks to Bria, Alysha and Suelyn for some great modeling.


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(Revised) Bria's New SHOW Mag Pics

I grabbed these revised scans from CutieCentral’s interview with Bria. These are the latest photos of Bria Myles from SHOW magazine. Bravo to CC for these scans, which are top quality. (Click to enlarge)


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Bria Myles New SHOW Cover

‘Nuff said. : -)

Bria Myles Show Cover


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Bria Shoots Chamillionaire "Venom" CD Cover

This is what you call the best of the best jobs for a video vixen. Today, Bria Myles shot for the cover for Chamillionaire’s forthcoming release of “Venom,” the artist’s third studio album. The album is scheduled for release on December 3, 2009.

This job is great for several reasons. First, the shot will just feature Bria and the artist on the cover of the CD and promotional materials. That elevates Bria’s status and builds her exclusivity as a model. This is how Darlene Ortiz and Coco became famous. Second, the pay, which was quite good for five hours work. Lastly, this is the type of job the gives good after burn - it will be in stores and on iTunes forever.

This situation also illustrates why it’s important as a model to build good relationships on set on not alienate hair and make-up artists. This job came through the incredibly talented Tara Copeland, who has styled Bria’s hair in the past (see her website homepage photo). Bria and Tara have a good relationship and when photographer Jonathan Mannion needed suggestions for a model on this job, Tara recommended Bria.

Bria-Chamillionaire copy

Bria’s shoe selection for the shoot - models eat your heart out, lol...


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Bria Myles Outtake - Compliments of Import Eye Candy

This is a shot of Bria Myles that didn’t make the cut for the most recent 40 on 40 BlackMen issue. It was taken by Import Eye Candy Models, which takes some hot shots and has hooked Bria up with some nice jobs of late. Aspiring models take note: Charles is a good person to know.


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New Bria Myles Headshot



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Bria's New Shoot - Big News

So Bria just shot today with a famed photographer. I can't say what it's for, but it is significant news in the urban modeling community. So when it's finally announced, just remember that it was known as of today by Indo. Winking BriaMylesUnknownShoot

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Bria Myles in the New BlackMen 40on40

This is Bria’s second time in BlackMen’s 40on40 Issue. As a prerequisite, you gotta have at least 40” hips to be featured in this issue. I have to give a shout out to my man Marcus Blassingame for reaching out to Bria to feature her in this issue. With the direction this magazine is going (with fewer black models), I doubt she would have snagged this feature without him.

It’s actually an interesting issue. Many of the photos are pictures we net veterans have seen before. So here you see some reverse pilfering--instead of a website grabbing original content from the magazines and posting it, here BlackMen took some infamous images that were already in cyberspace and solidified their legend in the magazine.


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Bria Candid

Just had a great shoot with Bria and a couple other beautiful models. It was different from the norm. It will be interesting to see how people react to it.


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Shameless Self Promotion

Bria is hosting a party tomorrow... (Click to enlarge)

Bria Flyer

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Bria Collage - Some Favorite Shots

This is a collage of some of the pics I’ve taken of Bria over time. A pattern starts to emerge of very straight ahead, no frills, colorful images. Baby oil rarely enters the picture and the retouching is more on the photorealistic side. 39 (Click to enlarge)
Bria Myles Collage

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Bria Coming From Workout

Taken today...

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Bria Myles Candids

A few very recent candids of Bria Myles. Happy (Click to enlarge)

Bria PoutingBria SmilingBria Bikini

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Bria Myles - Red Dress

A double dollop of Ms. Myles, compliments of your friendly neighborhood blogger. Winking (Click to enlarge)
Incidentally, the styling in these photos was provided compliments of Ashley North of M & A Style, who also exclusively styled Bria in her upcoming SHOW Black Lingerie issue (next month). If you’re in Los Angeles and need a good stylist, check her out.
Bria Myles Red Dress

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Bria Myles - Black Dress

Photo taken by your neighborhood blogger. Winking Join Bria on Twitter here. (Click to enlarge)

Bria Myles Black Dress

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Bria Myles - The Wow Shot

Compliments of Konsole Kingz. (Click to enlarge Winking )


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Bria Featured in Anniversary Issue of J'Adore

Check out the latest issue of J'Adore for a really classy feature on model Bria Myles. To see a large version of it that you can actually read, visit her website and go to the "News" section.JAdore - Bria Feature

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Today's Special: Belgium Chocolate

Belgium Chocolate

You can reach Bria Myles here.
You can reach Cynietra here.
And finally, you can reach Angel here (she's especially tough to find on the net). Tell 'em Indo sent you. Winking


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Top 10 Urban Models

I look forward to getting feedback on this one. Winking
Top Video Vixens p. 1
Top Video Vixens p. 2
Top Video Vixens p. 3
Top Video Vixens p. 4

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Bria Myles - Archives

Nothing like taking photos out of the archives. Can you imagine the gems we might get of vixens like Melyssa if someone took the time to post some of those shots that didn't make it into the magazine.

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New J'Adore 2nd Anniversary Issue

Taneish is doing it big time! This is what the urban modeling industry needs - an infusion of class. Bravo!

(Look for Bria Myles in this issue as well... )

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New Bria Myles


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Bria Myles, Melyssa Ford, Esther Baxter, etc. - J'Adore Anniversary Issue

J'Adore's Anniversary Issue is about to drop and it features some of the hottest video vixens in the business. Check out a behind-the-scenes video here.


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Bria Myles Outtakes

From my last photo shoot with Bria....

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Bria Myles - Colors in Abundance

Winking All pics taken by your friendly neighborhood blogger.


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Bria Myles in Los Angeles

Bria stopped by before going out to host a party tonight. This is the first authentication. More to come. (Click to enlarge)


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Bria - The Smirk

Bria wasn't really completely ready in this shot, but it's nice all the same. Such a cute little smirk. By the way, catch Bria on Twitter at


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Bria Myles - Got Milk

I see no reason she couldn't be part of this campaign... Laugh

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Bria Myles in Aquamarine

One of my favorite recent Bria pics... Visit her on Twitter.


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One More From The Bria Gym Series

This is one more pic of Bria that didn't make it onto Media Take Out or any other online outlet.

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The Bria Effect

Join Bria Myles on Twitter at


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Bria Myles: Good Girl?

Per request... Happy


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Bria vs. Koi

Who would win in this heavy weight bout of champs? Let me know in your comments...


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New Bria Myles

That's always a good thing... Bria Myles website is here.



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Bria Myles & Sacha Kemp - Playboy Mansion Party

'Nuff said. Laugh


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Esther & Friends By The Pool - KING 2006 Outtake

This pic speaks for itself. Esther, Bria, Tiara, Nikki B (and an unknown model) during a break at the KING shoot for their July 2006 issue. Doesn't get any better. (Click to enlarge)


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Bria Myles Should Go Into Tire Sales

Let's face it. This girl could sell damn near anything. New York based photographer Mike Delfin took these shots. Ladies, look him up if you're in the Big Apple in need of some shots.


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