Indochine's Top Shelf

Rachel Bilson

Couple Covers That Caught My Eye: Mila Kunis/Rachel Bilson

I made an error in judgment today. I saw these covers of Rachel Bilson and Mila Kunis and thought "Oh, these are cool - I'll buy these and scan 'em for my blog." After all, these are somewhat esoteric magazines that you can't buy just anywhere. But what I didn't count on was the insatiable appetite the media has for anything these actresses do. These covers are already scanned and on the net in high quality! Now if this was a feature on Regina King in Essence or Zulay Henao in Open Your Eyes, it might never hit the web in a high quality (or low quality). It's just the way it is. Anyway, these are still great photos of two smokin' hotties.


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Rachel Bilson - Great Photography

I've always liked Rachel Bilson since first seeing her on "The O.C." - she's very feminine without trying. These photos of her are all stuff I would love to do. Very natural and earthy.

Attribution: These gorgeous photos were taken by photographer Craig DeCristo.

Rachel Bilson19-IndosRachel Bilson12-Indos
Rachel Bilson25-IndosRachel Bilson7-Indo
Rachel Bilson9-IndoRachel Bilson22-Indo

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